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eCommerce website icon


li-ning ecommerce website design


Li-Ning Sports

Project Name:

Li-Ning Badminton


Conversion Objective:

Purchase Transactions

Launch Date:

April 2012

li-ning ecommerce website design


Northern Hot Tub Covers

Project Name:

Northern Hot Tub Covers eCommerce


Conversion Objective:

Purchase Transactions

Launch Date:

December  2013

racquet zone ecommerce website design


Racquet Zone

Project Name:

Racquet Zone eCommerce


Conversion Objective:

Purchase Transactions

Launch Date:

April  2016

eCommerce Website Design Services

Online shopping has exploded in Canada and the USA and retailers that do not maintain a professional eCommerce website are losing more and more market share each year. An online store is the ideal way to extend your reach beyond your local market and can be one of the best ways to grow sales. There are numerous eCommerce Website platforms for you to choose from and they all have their pluses and minuses. What you don’t want to do is commit to an eCommerce website platform and discover down the road that you are faced with technical or functionality restrictions. Before you move forward with your eCommerce website you need to have a deep understanding of your online store requirements.

We highly recommend Big Commerce because of its intuitive interface for the online store administrator and the hundreds of easy plug in solutions that have been developed by third parties. You can choose from numerous stock templates that give your eCommerce website a professional look and feel from day one or you can build a custom template to fully compliment your brand. Most of the important eCommerce website bells and whistles come standard with platform and monthly hosting and support is offered at reasonable monthly rates. Adding products and descriptions is fairly straightforward and configuring the eCommerce website to meet your business objectives is one of our specialties.

Just because you have an eCommerce website does not mean that you are going to have a flood of sales. Your online store must be carefully planned out and the menu structure must be set up in a way that makes it easy to optimize for search engines. The narrower the eCommerce website is in terms of product offering the easier it is to rank well on search engines. If your online store only sells green apples then it will be fairly easy to rank well for green apples. If your online store sells every variety of apples and other fruit the task of ranking well becomes more complex. We have years of experience in configuring and managing successful eCommerce websites and can provide guidance or professionally manage your online store to ensure your complete success.

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